torsdag 23. mars 2017

a day with the smell of her!

In the old days....a long, long time ago....
people did good things for their dogs!

Yah! Look at that Stonehenge - thing! Big solid rocks to do smellication on! Using the smell to communicate, like we dogs of excellency do...!

Some places I can find usable stones, and today I found a really great one!

So; another thing today:
I met this girl!
Pretty nice one...may be a bit old...but....well, I tried...!

Should not have done that! Extremely dangerous female stuff!
Not pleasant....
But...still....a nice one, though....

So, I kind of "stole" one of her people...!
Just to teach her a lesson!

Adopted him...! Fun guy!

So; let us see next time! May be that Lady-stuff behave a bit, then!

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